Library Policy Manual
Internet Policy
Use of electronic information and communication is a rapidly developing area of public and private activity. The Lena Public Library recognizes these developments as a new challenge as well as an opportunity for the Lena community. The Lena Public Library believes that these challenges and opportunities are best addressed by adherence to the fundamental principles of traditional library use and the principles of a free society. The Lena Library may impose restrictions such as time limits on the use of the Internet computers.
Acceptable Use of the Internet
- Using resources for educational, informational, and recreational use only; and NOT for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes.
- Respecting the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others.
- Not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging/altering software components of any network or database.
- Respecting the privacy of others using public access workstations at the Lena Library and not interfering with their use.
- Not sending, receiving, or displaying text or graphics that may reasonably be construed as obscene.
- Not sending, receiving, or displaying graphics that ay reasonably be construed as harmful to minors, as defined by Federal and State statute.
- Making only authorized copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data. The Lena Library disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.
Children’s Use of the Internet
The Lena Library upholds and affirms the rights and responsibilities of parents to determine and monitor their children’s use of all library materials and resources, including the Internet. Library staff assumes that unattended minors in the Library have parental permission to use library resources, including the internet. A parent or guardian may request that his or her minor child be denied the use of the Lena Library’s Internet computers. Once the restriction is negotiated with the Lena Library Director, submitted in writing, the Lena Library will provide its best efforts to enforce the restriction requested. however, the Library cannot guarantee absolute compliance with the restriction by the child. The parent or guardian remains responsible for monitoring use of the Internet and other electronic resources at the Library.
In the event of inappropriate use of the Lena Library’s Internet access by a minor, the child’s parent or guardian will be notified by the Lena Library. Unacceptable use of the Lena Library’s Internet access will result in denial of computer privileges after the second offense.
In the event of inappropriate use of the Lena Library’s Internet access by a minor, the child’s parent or guardian will be notified by the Lena Library. Unacceptable use of the Lena Library’s Internet access will result in denial of computer privileges after the second offense.
Consequences for Unacceptable Use
Library staff observing unacceptable behavior shall take appropriate action. Unacceptable use of the Lena Library’s Internet access will result in discipline ranging from a verbal warning to denial of computer privileges. At the discretion of the Lena Library Director, incidents may reported to the OWLS and NICOLET libraries in which each individual library may enforce their own consequences. When a patron is banned from using the computers from any OWLS or NICOLET library group, the Lena Library will also uphold this ban. When a patron is banned from using the Lena Library computers or a time longer than one week, a written report of the explanation will be forwarded (or in the case of a minor child, forwarded to his or her parent or guardian). When deemed appropriate by the Lena Library Director and Lena Library Board, reports will be forwarded to the Lena Police Department or other appropriate law enforcement agency.
Effective December 16, 2003
Effective December 16, 2003
- Using resources for educational, informational, and recreational use only; and NOT for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes.
- Respecting the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others.
- Not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging/altering software components of any network or database.
- Respecting the privacy of others using public access workstations at the Lena Library and not interfering with their use.
- Not sending, receiving, or displaying text or graphics that may reasonably be construed as obscene.
- Not sending, receiving, or displaying graphics that ay reasonably be construed as harmful to minors, as defined by Federal and State statute.
- Making only authorized copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data. The Lena Library disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.